Tuesday, 22 April 2008


Well, here we are again in our lovely house in Italy. We realised last night that this house is bigger than the one we own in Yorkshire. It is great to have so much space. Thunder yesterday but clear skys today. We are going out this morning to buy a lamp and order a sofa bed for one of the upstairs rooms. I brought a Tom Tom over for use in the hire car and that has been a success. Travel to Rome for 3 nights on Friday and Kath will go to mass at St Peter's. The Poe is there on Sunday and we hope to see him on his balcony at noon. Home on Monday. It is great to have the internet and broadband here in Italy. Can listen to BBC radio.

Monday, 7 April 2008

La Boheme

What an amazing experience. We were with our good friend Zoe Mair for the weekend and she had booked tickets to go to the cinema in Aldborough to see a live HD performance from the metropolitan opera house in New York. It was packed. We had the luxury of closeups of the artists and interviews and scenes behind stage. Kath and i have been several times to the Met. This was a unique experience. Great performance and a Zephorelli stage. We have seen this for Cav and Pag there a couple of years ago. Our nearest cinema that does this is Sheffield which is 45 mins drive away. So the Met transmits the Saturday matinee to loads of cities in Europe on about 10 occasions. It cost about £17 a ticket. The next one in Sheffield is £25 a ticket. Compare this with £200+ a ticket at Covent Garden.
Have a look at this: http://www.metoperafamily.org/metopera/broadcast/hd_events.aspx

I am an addict.
By the way, I needed a drip up after the performance. Tears were dripping on to my jumper.
Posh lot, though, in Suffolk.