Saturday, 10 April 2010

Bryce Taylor

Last week I went to the funeral of Bryce. He died suddenly at a young age of 63.
The crematorium at York was packed. I was introduced to him as a colleague by Liz Moulton, a close GP colleague of mine. We all worked together on a Summer School for GP registrars. Liz became a friend of his and sorely misses him. Indeed i have been more bereaved at the loss of a close friend than of a relation.
I collect signed books and Bryce signed two of his for me.
He wrote in his book Forging the future together, "To a great colleague and friend to doctors"

In his book Working with Others he wrote "To Richard, having enjoyed working together as well as working with others. Best wishes."

These wrords mean a lot to me.
He will live on in his writing

Monday, 15 February 2010

Cruising to Cuba

In 1934 my mother and her mother went on a cruise to Cuba. My grandfather often did not holiday with them preferring sometimes the roulette tables in Monte Carlo.
This is the menu from the last night, I think.