Sunday, 28 October 2007

28th October 2007 - Clara Schumann

"Beloved Clara" was put on by the Ackworth Concert Society last night. It was the story of Clara Schumann's relationship with Robert and Brahms. There was a fabulous pianist and two actors doing the narrative. It was interesting to me that the Schumanns had Mendelsohn round for a meal. He is a very distant relation of mine. Lovely high quality piano in the meeting room of the 200+ years old Ackworth Quaker school. Ackworth is 5 miles from our house. The CD of this is in the IPOD music store and I bought one track. What a great week of culture Kath and I have had. Today we went out to a delicious lunch at George Gauden's in Badsworth (a beautiful village particularly in the autumn sunshine of today). Tomorrow I am starting a 3 day course at the PCT on "Group skills" and am really looking forward to it.

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