Monday, 31 March 2008

Receiving Room

Last night on BBC one, there was room new program called Casualty 1907. It is the first of three. It is about what went on in the accident and emergency department, known as the receiving room, at what is now known as the Royal London Hospital. I did one of my house jobs in 1969/70 in that department. It was a fascinating experience. At night there was just me and one nurse working there and on one occasion, 19 firemen were brought in suffering from inhaling too much smoke. The rule was that if more than 20 people were brought in, we were allowed to call for help. The first time I had stitched a wound as a doctor involved 27 stitches put in a man's leg. He came back the next day because they had all fallen out. I did not do a surgical house job as is counted as that. In fact, I can't stand the sight of blood!

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